What's up with organizational culture?
Resources #1-#9: Begin your journey with these foundational resources to understand why change is difficult. By having a deep understanding, you'll be better prepared to address the challenges.
Download reflection prompts.
How do we begin to tackle campus-wide organizational culture?
Resources #10-#24: In this part of your journey, you'll learn practical approaches to improve organizational culture.
Download reflection prompts.
How can we create a culture of continuous instructional improvement?
Resources #25-#38: In this next part of your journey, you'll learnĀ approaches to make instruction more equitable.
Download reflection prompts.
What are examples of effective programs & services and how do we implement them?
Resources #39-#47: In this last part of your journey, you'll learnĀ about programs & services to strengthen what already exists and/or create new ones.
Download reflection prompts.
What educators say
Dr. Beatriz Gonzalez
President, Wolfson Campus, Miami Dade College, FL
Dr. Al helps get you to the crux of what’s blocking progress. While forthright, he is also generous, amiable, and ethical.
Dr. Michael Baston
President, Cuyahoga Community College, OH
Dr. Al journeys with us in the inquiry process that engages our thinking, encourages reflection, and inspires our teams to reach peak performance so that the students we serve will get the educational experience they need to help them live the lives they deserve.
Dr. Davis Jenkins
Co-Author, Redesigning America's Community Colleges; Senior Research Scholar Community College Research Center, Columbia University, NY
Dr. Al is extraordinarily skilled in helping colleges implement complex, whole-college student success reforms.
Dr. Julie Asperin Barnes
Chancellor, South OCC District, CA
Dr. Al's authentic, courageous, and forward-thinking approach is refreshing and is exactly what is needed to meet the moment.
Dr. Mayra Padilla
Dean, Institutional Effectiveness & Equity, Contra Costa College, CA
Dr. Al has a talent for pinpointing the challenges we face implementing campus-wide initiatives and then providing frameworks to help move stakeholders from conversation to action in an inclusive and thoughtful manner.
Dr. Rob Johnstone
Founder & President, National Center for Inquiry & Improvement
Dr. Al is Lin-Manuel Miranda's 'Alexander Hamilton'--he's nonstop! Always thinking, writing, creating, implementing, and pushing the field to continually improve.
Diego Navarro
Professor Emeritus, Cabrillo College, CA; Founder, Academy for College Excellence
Dr. Al addresses the endemic issue of why colleges struggle with completion by students of color. His approach is helpful in framing the issues and useful in providing methods for addressing them.
Libby Curiel
Speech Professor, Rio Hondo College, CA; Former Regional Guided Pathways Coordinator
Dr. Al's honest candor is refreshing and so needed during this time. He knows how to balance truth with kindness in the only way an amazing coach can.
Dr. Claudia Lourido-Habib
President, Porterville College, CA
Dr. Al's frank style encourages deep reflection and examination of traditional approaches that have been slow in achieving the outcomes we urgently need for our students. Many of his recommendations and insights have been invaluable in helping us respond effectively.
Dr. Mordecai Brownlee
President, Community College of Aurora, CO
By embracing Dr. Al's strategies, resources, and information, student lives will be transformed and so will the lives of those empowering those students.
Dr. Kevin Walthers
President, Allan Hancock College, CA
Dr. Al’s unique style transforms institutions, enabling college leaders to manage change in a manner that supports faculty efforts to foster success, equity and inclusion.
Dr. Lisa Brewster
Communication Faculty & Guided Pathways Coordinator, Miramar College, CA
I have been so impressed with Dr. Al's ability to help people see beyond the 'weeds in the field' and narrow down the steps needed to make critical changes. Our campus has grown in so many ways thanks to him!
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