Resources for College Practitioners

Leadership Reconsidered: 20th Anniversary

(A. Solano)

It's the 20th anniversary of the publication, Leadership Reconsidered: Engaging Higher Education in Social Change. (Link to PDF). This practical and easy-to-digest publication was given to me in 2003 during my doctoral studies at UCLA by one of its co-authors, the late Distinguished Professor Emerita and senior scholar at the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI), Dr. Helen Astin. I thought I'd share some of the quotes that still hold true twenty years later.

Before any quote is questioned, please take the time to read the section (page numbers provided) to understand the deeper context.


Students have the potential to change institutional culture.

[They] can build bridges between the disparate cultures on campus.

Visit page 27.


The way faculty personally or collectively view scholarship has implications for how they deal with each other and their students.

Excessive autonomy can be antithetical to a sense of community.

Visit pages 38 & 44.

Student Affairs Professionals

Since student affairs professionals strive to integrate the curricular and co-curricular realms of learning, they are educators who focus on students’ holistic development.

Whether or not student affairs professionals demonstrate transformative leadership depends, in large part, on their beliefs about what leadership role they might be able to play.

Visit pages 54 & 55.

College Presidents

A president who is being true to her most deeply felt values and sense of institutional mission is likely to generate respect, even among those who might disagree with her policies or actions. 

The president must ask, “What role does the ability to facilitate change play in defining my success?”

See pages 82 & 85.


 Also visit: Thought-Provoking Higher Ed Quotes

How to implement culture change & continuous improvement at your institution.


Guide: Why Colleges Struggle to Implement Priorities & What To Do About It


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