Holding the Line: Lead Through the Chaos

(A. Solano)

Project 2025 is under way. Here’s what you have control over but first recognize that panic paralyzes. Resolve empowers. Power over panic.

> Stay informed: Understand what’s truly happening. Legacy media thrives on chaos and cruelty—it turns out it's good for business. Seek independent, reliable sources. Avoid doomscrolling. Most importantly, thoroughly read your college’s communications for guidance and truth.

> Teach truth: Keep critical thinking alive. Facts matter. They always have.

> Be strategic: Alienating potential allies in the equity work has failed. Less theory, more pragmatic action. Meet people where they are, and help move them forward by doing the work.

> Build community: Strength comes from unity, not infighting. Set aside internal bullshit strife—it’s a distraction. Focus on collective action.

> Support and protect: Advocate fiercely for students, especially those most vulnerable. But remember—surviving the moment means staying in the fight. Don’t do anything reckless. Again, follow your college’s guidance.

Fear is the tool of those who seek control. Strength and solidarity are ours.

Hold the line.


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