
Equity Impact & Equity Intentionality at Community Colleges

(A. Solano)

It’s critical that educators understand the difference between “equity impact” and “equity...

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Addressing False Narratives

(A. Solano)

Failing to challenge false narratives only helps to perpetuate claims made without evidence. For example, a claim I’ve heard...

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The 5E Learning Cycle

(A. Solano)

The 5E's is an instructional model based on the constructivist approach to learning, which says that learners build or construct new...

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The Ongoing Grading Crisis

(A. Solano)

Grading Crisis Overview

Grading is a touchy subject. It’s intertwined with academic freedom, yet it’s the 800-Ibs gorilla...

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Foundational Ingredient For Successful Equity Work

(A. Solano)

The ability of faculty and educators in general to change—from external to internal attributions—is a foundational...

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Elephant in the Room: Instruction in Higher Education

(A. Solano)

Higher education faculty, specifically community college faculty, have played a significant role in my success as a student. I went...

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Closing Equity Gaps Is Not Enough

(A. Solano)

Colleges across the country have been hyper-focused on closing equity gaps. They consistently talk about it as the end goal. It's in...

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Student Success Teams: Models to Consider


(A. Solano)

Create greater clarity, coherence, and consensus at your campus by learning about the two emerging student success team...

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Academic Freedom vs Academic Responsibility

(A. Solano)

In my professional career I've always considered myself first and foremost, a teacher. I began teaching at fifteen-years-old, continued...

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Increasing Latina/o/x Student Success

Photo Credit: Hispanic Network Magazine

(A. Solano)

In a longitudinal comparison study, there was a 41% gain in student achievement above and...

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