Top Resources of the Year


The 5E Learning Cycle

(A. Solano)

The 5E's is an instructional model based on the constructivist approach to learning, which says that learners build or construct new...

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The Ongoing Grading Crisis

(A. Solano)

Grading Crisis Overview

Grading is a touchy subject. It’s intertwined with academic freedom, yet it’s the 800-Ibs gorilla...

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Academic Freedom vs Academic Responsibility

(A. Solano)

In my professional career I've always considered myself first and foremost, a teacher. I began teaching at fifteen-years-old, continued...

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Increasing Latina/o/x Student Success

Photo Credit: Hispanic Network Magazine

(A. Solano)

In a longitudinal comparison study, there was a 41% gain in student achievement above and...

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Transforming Instruction in Math

(A. Solano)

November 30, 2021

Update: In my last update in December 2019 (scroll below), I noted that first time enrollment in transfer-level math...

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Ensure Learning and Equity

(A. Solano

The content below focuses on Santa Barbara City College. Click on their webinar presentation. It begins at 4:40.

Imagine a group...

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Focus on the Basics: Doing Online Teaching Well


(A. Solano)
March 28, 2020
Text below captures relevant content in the video.

Many institutions of higher education made the rapid shift to online in...

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Equity in Grading

(A. Solano)

What does it mean when two students with the same academic performance and socioeconomic background receive different grades from two...

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